Happy week-before-publication-day to the fourth collection of columns from Nick Hornby’s “Stuff I’ve Been Reading,” More Baths Less Talking! To celebrate, we’re giving away 5 (five!) free copies of the book. Reply to this post with your own “Books Bought” and “Books Read” lists for the summer, and 5 (five!) lucky winners will be contacted by one of the many members of our vast customer service department and will, shortly thereafter, find More Baths Less Talking on their doorstep, front porch, entryway floor, post-office box, or in the shrubs adjacent to one of the above.

So, tell us: what books have been piling up on your bedside table or occupying your waking hours this summer?

More Reads

Close Read: Thiago Rodrigues-Oliveira, et al.

Veronique Greenwood

Take the W: Entry Points

Credit: Creative Commons, johnmac612, CC BY-SA 2.0. When I started writing “seriously” about basketball eight years ago (before that, I wrote NBA fan fiction for David ...

Crazy Uncle Casey’s “11 Days, 11 Deals” Sale: Day Two These two Nick Hornby books—one collecting ten years of Hornby’s “Stuff I’ve Been ...
