Claire Donato’s writing—at once ambient, investigative, and cathartic—collates forms and materials. She is the author of Burial (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2013), a not-novel novel, and The Second Body (Poor Claudia, 2016; Tarpaulin Sky Press, reissue forthcoming 2019). Recent writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Territory, DIAGRAM, Bennington Review, BOMB, Fanzine, and The Elephants. Claire is an adjunct who teaches poetics and advises theses in the Writing Program at Pratt Institute. She also curates digital language art (most recently for Brown University’s Interrupt V Festival), serves as a volunteer mentor for the PEN Prison Writing Project, is a children’s reading and zine tutor, and lives with one cat and ~50 houseplants in a psychic’s building in Brooklyn.