
Jim Knipfel

Jim Knipfel is an American novelist, autobiographer, and journalist.

An Interview with Michael Lesy

Jim Knipfel

An Interview With David Holthouse

Jim Knipfel

An Interview with Joyce Meadows

Jim Knipfel

An Interview with Danny Hellman

Jim Knipfel

Beckett Meets Melville: An Interview With Conor and Judy Hegarty Lovett

Jim Knipfel

An Interview with Derek Davis

Jim Knipfel

An Interview with Steve Erickson

Jim Knipfel

Tattoo Vampires

Jim Knipfel

Fictionalizing The Residents

Jim Knipfel

This Binary Moment: Novelist Steve Erickson on Our Cold Civil War

Jim Knipfel

The Nowhere Man Who Was Everywhere

Jim Knipfel

A Tourist’s Guide to Rocaterrania

Jim Knipfel

Recording Mr. Pynchon

Jim Knipfel

Visit to a Nørb Planet: on the Philosopher-King of the Punk Rock Geeks, Rev. Nørb 

Jim Knipfel

Angels and Demons at Play

Jim Knipfel

Chomsky Does Not Make Movies: an Interview with Filmmaker Craig Baldwin

Jim Knipfel

Postponing Postmodernism

Jim Knipfel

The Monster Behind the Door

Jim Knipfel

Video Monks: Jim Knipfel on Bootleggers of Obscure Films

Jim Knipfel
The fallout after the raid at Kim’s represented a loss not only to local film lovers, who found themselves confronted with Kim’s abruptly and surprisingly sparse ...

Who Will Think of the Children?: Jim Knipfel on Satire and Children’s Books

Jim Knipfel

Thomas Bernhard Speaks: Jim Knipfel on Thomas Bernhard: Three Days

Jim Knipfel

The Battles for Ellis Island, 1970-1977: Jim Knipfel on Native American Protests

Jim Knipfel

The Céline Blacklist: Jim Knipfel on Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Jim Knipfel

King of the Midnight Spook Shows

Jim Knipfel

The Accidental Father of Mashup Culture: Jim Knipfel on Todd Graham and Apocalypse Pooh

Jim Knipfel

NYC has seen its share of riots, but none quite like this.

Jim Knipfel

“Study who you are. It’s a futile journey but it’s all you can ever hope to know.”

Jim Knipfel