

Lawrence Weschler

Lawrence Weschler was for over twenty years (1981-2002) a staff writer at The New Yorker, where his work shuttled between political tragedies and cultural comedies. He is a two-time winner of the George Polk Award (for Cultural Reporting in 1988 and Magazine Reporting in 1992) and was also a recipient of Lannan Literary Award (1998). His McSweeney’s-published Everything that Rises: A Book of Convergences received the 2007 National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism.  Recent books include a considerably expanded edition of Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees, comprising thirty years of conversations with Robert Irwin; a companion volume, True to Life: Twenty Five Years of Conversation with David Hockney; and Waves Passing in the Night: Walter Murch in the Land of the Astrophysicists. His twentieth book, an intimate biographical memoir of Oliver Sacks, is now available.

Blockage and Release

Lawrence Weschler

A Convergence of Jews, Poles, & Pigs

Lawrence Weschler
Pillow of Air

Pillow of Air: Destroy This Mad Brute

Lawrence Weschler
Pillow of Air

Pillow of Air: Las Meninas/Dutch Still Life

Lawrence Weschler
Pillow of Air

Pillow of Air: Atomic Cuneiform

Lawrence Weschler
Pillow of Air

Pillow of Air: Tim’s Vermeer

Lawrence Weschler
Tim’s Vermeer—Vermeer’s Music Lesson—Marker’s La Jetée This being the film issue and all, I thought I’d try my hand at a piece about arguably the greatest filmmaker of ...
Pillow of Air

Pillow of Air: Falling Forward

Lawrence Weschler
Remember how last time we were talking about Robert Irwin and his brilliantly confounding installation at the Whitney—the restaging, this past summer, of that 1977 piece of ...
Pillow of Air


Lawrence Weschler
Pillow of Air

Pillow of Air: From Mecca To Ground Zero (And Back)

Lawrence Weschler
Pillow of Air

Pillow of Air: The Omnivorous Eye

Lawrence Weschler

Here In America

Lawrence Weschler
Around the middle of the last decade, in the wake of 9/11 and deep in the midst of the Bush years (which that event had so darkly colored), the eminent American painter Eric ...

An Interview with The Art Guys

Lawrence Weschler

An Interview with Lena Herzog

Lawrence Weschler
Back in 1594, in the very heart of the period we will be considering in the pages that follow, Sir Francis Bacon, while prescribing the essential apparatus for “a compleat and ...

An Interview with Margaret and Christine Wertheim

Lawrence Weschler

Fictions of the Pose

Lawrence Weschler

A Conversation with Michael Light

Lawrence Weschler

The Paralyzed Cyclops

Lawrence Weschler

On the Art of the Disappeared

Lawrence Weschler

An Interview with Ed Kienholz

Lawrence Weschler

Far Out

Lawrence Weschler
Michael Benson is an American documentary filmmaker (creator of the critically acclaimed “Predictions of Fire,” an exploration of the propaganda wellsprings of the ...