We could not calculate directions between Johnson, VT, and Elugelab.
We could not calculate directions between Tokyo, Japan, and Elugelab.
Search nearby, e.g., “pizza.”
Your search for “pizza” near Elugelab, Enewetak Atoll, RMI, did not match any
Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Did you mean Marshall Islands Resort?
We could not calculate directions between Marshall Islands and Elugelab.
The blast will come out of the horizon just about there.
Welcome aboard the USS Estes.
You have a grandstand seat here to see one of the most momentous events in the
history of science.
It is now thirty seconds to zero time.
Know about this place and want everyone to find it?
If the reactor goes, we are in the thermonuclear era.
You are about to add a place that you believe is missing so everyone can find it.
Put on goggles or turn away.
Do not face the burst until ten seconds after the first light.
Enter a place name: [a few dozen neutrons].
We do not support adding a place here.
Enter a place name: [water furred with wind].
Enter a place name: [zero].