
Sedaratives: Amy Sedaris


Sedaratives: Amy Sedaris

Amy Sedaris
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Dear Amy,

I’m thinking about getting one of those puggle puppies that are all the rage. But before I make the investment, are there any upcoming breed hybrids that might make for a trendier pet in the coming months?

John Larkin
Ann Arbor, Mich.

Dear John,

I can’t blame you. I have a neighbor who is saddled with a “schnoodle,” a combination schnauzer and poodle. Whenever I see them walk by, I can’t help but think, “You poor bastard. That is so ’90s.” You might as well be walking a pet rock or, for that matter, pushing a stroller with an adopted Chinese baby. I mean, talk about over! So here, John, are the latest hybrids you might want to consider:

  • Lhasa apsamoyed. Combining the adorable qualities of the scruffy Lhasa apso and the rugged, all-weather traits of the Samoyed.
  • Doberman Pinochet. A cross between the Doberman pinscher, a mindless killing machine, and the brutal Chilean human rights violator. Not great around children, but a big hit with the jet set.
  • Labrador Recliner. A lovable dog that tilts back into a comfy lounger.



Dear Amy,

Last summer, my wife and I inherited three hermit crabs from her eight-year-old nephew when he went to camp. It’s been six months and we’re still stuck crab-sitting. I’m worried that if I flush them down the toilet, they’ll morph into supersized megacrabs, crawl back through the pipes, and seek revenge. What’s the best way to “take care” of a hermit crab?

Eric J. Fetterman
New York, N.Y.

P.S. Do you have any interest in three hermit crabs? They don’t take up much space.

Dear Eric,

“Taking care” of a hermit crab is a delicate operation. Hermit crabs are an unruly sort, possessing large pinchers, and believe you me, they’re just waiting for a chance to clamp that claw into a major artery in your neck. Never turn your back on a hermit crab. Now, the first thing you have to do is coax the crab out of its shell. I suggest either using a piece of meat, or appealing to the crab’s ceaseless and fanatical lust for the opposite sex. This second option would require you to either provide a decoy or act as a decoy. Once the crab is out of its shell, pounce. Bring the wrath of God down upon the crab’s tiny and vulnerable exoskeleton in the form of a large brick. Make sure you are accurate with your first blow, because the last thing you want on your hands is an agitated hermit crab.


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